Recognizing that education has the power to transform lives, the East Africa Partnership founded the Dick Grace Scholarship in 2003. The program has helped dozens of students graduate from high school and university, allowing them to support their families and give back to the program and their communities. Continuing to grow, the program now supports nearly 40 deserving students.
We've also made the commitment that all of our sponsored children in our Homes will be able to progress in school as far as their desire and ability takes them, so each year we will be adding 10-20 new students to the program.
Millions of people throughout East Africa do not have access to even the most basic medical care. The EAP is dedicated to bringing quality, affordable, and self-sustaining healthcare to local communities. More than 40 local dispensaries have been equipped and operated by the EAP, providing medical care to almost 1 million people in need. Nine hospitals receive vital medical equipment, and medical mission trips work to train the local providers.
Almost 200 hospitals, universities, doctors, and companies support the EAP by providing lightly used medical equipment. Since 2007, the EAP has sent more than 10 containers of medical equipment, worth approximately $25 million, to our partners in East Africa.
Having enough food is a prerequisite for all other progress - medical care, education, and helping orphaned children. Working in partnership with local communities, the EAP is helping to provide modern farming and irrigation techniques. Whether the project is helping a family provide a balanced, nutritional diet on only a 1/4 acre of land, or a commercial endeavor involving hundreds of acres, the EAP is working to provide quality jobs and food security.
These farming projects also have the added benefit of providing food for our children in the Homes. Profits are put back into the program, helping to start other projects and support the Children's Homes.
EAP Programs
The East Africa Partnership supports more than 150 orphaned children in several different Children's Homes throughout Kenya. For less than $1 per day, your donation gives these needy children a roof over their heads, three meals a day, education, and - most importantly - the hope of a better life.
We partner with local churches and aid organizations to keep the children involved in the community, provide mentors and tutors for the kids, and gain additional financial support for the Homes.